We offer for rent a space for offices, suitable for medical offices, psychological, etc.
It consists of four separate rooms, arranged in a generous hall. It has a space for serving and preparing meals. It has separate toilets for women and men. Partition walls are mostly generous storage spaces, through which the rooms are compartmentalized.
The access is very easy, both on foot (Dristor 1 and Dristor 2 Metro Stations being 3-4 minutes walk, and STB stations even closer), and by car (two parking spaces included).
The building is modern and has 24/24, 7/7 monitored video surveillance.
Oferim spre inchiriere un spatiu cu destinatie birouri, pretabil si pentru cabinete medicale, psihologice, etc.
Este compus din patru incaperi separate, dispuse pe un hol generos. Are un spatiu destinat servirii si pregatirii mesei. Are grupuri sanitare separate pentru femei si barbati. Peretii despartitori sunt in mare parte spatii de depozitare generoase, prin ei realizandu-se compartimentarea incaperilor.
Accesul se face foarte usor, atat pietonal (Statiile de Metrou Dristor 1 si Dristor 2 fiind la 3-4 minute de mers pe jos, iar statiile STB si mai aproape), cat si auto (doua locuri de parcare incluse).
Imobilul este modern si dispune de paza si supraveghere video monitorizata 24/24, 7/7.