Va prezentam o casa plina de veselie si energie pozitiva, pe care o familie cu 3 copii doreste sa o transmita mai departe unei familii care sa se bucure de atmosfera boema si sa o locuiasca cu placere.
Mansarda este compusa din 5 camere, dispuse radial in jurul livingului open, de dimensiune mare, putand acomoda cu usurinta 12 persoane la masa de dining, pentru petreceri in familie. Apartamentul dispune de doua sali de baie, ambele cu cada si cu aerisire naturala, precum si de o terasa de 6,5 mp, cu vedere libera catre zona de case, aflata la mica distanta de Bd. Unirii, in vecinatatea Postei Vitan.
Bucataria este generoasa si este dotata cu toate cele necesare unui masterchef! In imediata vecinatate a acesteia se afla o camera mica, ce poate avea diverse intrebuintari: birou, dressing, camara, camera de meditatie sau de hobby. Alte doua dormitoare se afla in continuarea livingului, fiind deservite de o sala de baie si de un spatiu amenajat pentru birou. In cazul in care aveti un copil adolescent, care isi doreste mai multa intimitate, o camera surpriza, de 17,5 mp, se afla deasupra livingului si beneficiaza de o scara de acces proprie.
Daca va ganditi la o investitie mai mare, care sa cuprinda si un spatiu de lucru si de ce nu, un apartament pentru bunici sau bona, puteti achizitiona, in acelasi imobil, pe aceeasi scara, inca un apartament dispus pe parter, etaj 1 si subsol, totalizand 110 mp, pentru pretul de 127.500 Euro. In acest fel veti avea un corp intreg de cladire, pe care il puteti folosi pentru familie sau il puteti transforma in afacerea dvs. de inchiriere in regim hotelier sau pe termen lung.
We present to you a house full of joy and positive energy, which a family with 3 children wishes to pass on to another family who will enjoy the bohemian atmosphere and live in it with pleasure. The attic consists of 5 rooms, arranged radially around the open living room, which is large enough to comfortably accommodate 12 people at the dining table for family gatherings. The apartment has two bathrooms, both with a bathtub and natural ventilation, as well as a terrace of 6.5 sqm, with an unobstructed view towards the area of houses, located a short distance from Unirii Boulevard, near the Vitan Post Office.
The kitchen is spacious and equipped with everything necessary for a master chef! In the immediate vicinity of it, there is a small room that can have various uses: office, dressing room, pantry, meditation or hobby room. Two other bedrooms are located in the continuation of the living room, being served by a bathroom and a space arranged for an office. In case you have a teenager who wants more privacy, a surprise room of 17.5 sqm is located above the living room and benefits from its own access staircase.
If you are thinking of a larger investment, which includes a workspace and why not, an apartment for grandparents or a nanny, you can purchase, in the same building, on the same floor, another apartment located on the ground floor, first floor and basement, totaling 110 sqm, for the price of 127,500 Euros. This way you will have an entire building that you can use for your family or you can turn it into your own hotel or long-term rental business.