Putine, extrem de putine sunt locurile in centru unde poti sta pe o terasa linistita, cu vedere superba, pentru a-ti savura cafeaua sau a citi o carte buna. Verde, ciripit de pasarele, liniste, toate acestea vin la pachet cu un apartament remarcabil, de 4 camere, foarte bine compartimentat.
Holul generos de la intrare este prevazut si cu o garderoba, ca la casele mari. Toaleta de serviciu se afla si ea aici si deserveste livingul si bucataria, locurile unde iti primesti oaspetii. Bucataria este foarte mare, complet mobilata si utilata cu echipamente de ultima generatie, avand si o extensie pe balconul lat, unde este amenajat un loc de luat masa si o zona de sport.
Din holul de intrare, accesul se realizeaza catre cele doua dormitoare si sala de baie, pe un hol prevazut cu dressing, iar al doilea acces este catre livingul deosebit, prevazut cu semineu, pian, tavan original, casetat, ferestre mari ce se deschid catre terasa cu vedere unica si un birou/dormitor, avand aceeasi vedere, catre cladirea superba de vis-a-vis, flancata de brazi inalti si castani.
Esti la doi pasi de Calea Victoriei, zona de promenada in sezonul cald, de cele mai bune restaurante si cafenele, muzee, teatre, magazine, scoli de prestigiu, dar si de zonele de birouri din Piata Victoriei - Buzesti.
Trebuie doar sa ne spui daca iti mai doresti ceva in apartament sau ai lucrurile tale, pe care le-ai si proiectat in noul tau cuib din centru!
There are few, extremely few places in the center where you can sit on a quiet terrace, with a superb view, to enjoy your coffee or read a good book. Green, chirping birds, quiet, all these come together with a remarkable, 4-room apartment, very well organized.
The generous entrance hall is also provided with a wardrobe, as in large houses. The service toilet is also located here and serves the living room and the kitchen, the places where you receive your guests. The kitchen is very large, fully furnished and equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, with an extension to the wide balcony, where there is a dining area and a sports area.
From the entrance hall, the access is to the two bedrooms and the bathroom, in a hallway provided with a dressing room, and the second access is to the special living room, provided with a fireplace, piano, original ceiling, coffered ceiling, large windows that open to the terrace with a unique view and an office/bedroom, having the same view, to the superb building opposite, flanked by tall fir and chestnut trees.
You are a stone's throw from Calea Victoriei, the promenade area in the warm season, from the best restaurants and cafes, museums, theaters, shops, prestigious schools, but also from the office areas in Piata Victoriei - Buzesti.
You just have to tell us if you want anything else in the apartment or if you have your things, which you have designed in your new nest in the center!