Poate una dintre cele mai frumoase vederi pe care o poti avea de pe terasa apartamentului tau!
O cladire cu un farmec aparte, care flancheaza una dintre cele mai cunoscute intersectii din oras: Bd Dacia, cu Str. Mihai Eminescu si Calea Dorobantilor.
Imobilul, o combinatie de stil maur cu florentin, are in componenta doar 6 apartamente, cate unul pe etaj, pozitionarea pe doua laturi conferindu-i lumina si la rasarit si la apus.
Bineinteles ca cel mai frumos apartament este cel de la ultimul etaj, fiind singurul ce beneficiaza de doua terase si un balcon, cu o vedere 360 grade deasupra orasului. In orice moment al zilei poti avea un loc confortabil pe oricare dintre terase, la soare sau la umbra si poti admira toate cladirile istorice din zona.
Apartamentul a fost impartit intr-unul de doua camere si un studio, avand dubla intrare, din constructie. Singura interventie a fost montarea unui perete din rigips ce desparte cele doua unitati. Daca iti doresti un apartament mare, de familie, renuntarea la acel perete se poate face simplu, marind considerabil suprafata livingului. Daca te gandesti sa fructifici actuala impartire, fiecare unitate dispune de baie si bucatarie si le poti folosi ca atare.
Cladirea, desi este incadrata in clasa 1 de risc seismic, asteptand consolidarea de ani buni, este foarte bine intretinuta, fatada a fost refacuta, casa scarii igienizata, liftul intretinut impecabil. Locul e de poveste! Hai sa vezi!
Perhaps one of the most beautiful views you can have from your apartment terrace! A building with a unique charm, which flanks one of the most famous intersections in the city: Dacia Boulevard, with Mihai Eminescu Street and Dorobantilor Avenue. The building, a combination of Moorish and Florentine styles, has only 6 apartments, one per floor, its position on two sides providing light both at sunrise and sunset. Of course, the most beautiful apartment is the one on the top floor, being the only one that benefits from two terraces and a balcony, with a 360-degree view above the city. At any time of the day, you can have a comfortable place on any of the terraces, in the sun or in the shade, and admire all the historic buildings in the area. The apartment has been divided into one two-room apartment and a studio, with a double entrance from construction. The only intervention was the installation of a gypsum wall that separates the two units. If you want a large family apartment, giving up that wall can be done simply, significantly increasing the living area. If you are thinking of taking advantage of the current division, each unit has a bathroom and kitchen and can be used as such. Although the building is classified as seismic risk class 1, waiting for consolidation for many years, it is very well maintained, the facade has been redone, the staircase house sanitized, and the elevator impeccably maintained. The place is like a fairy tale! Come and see!