Va propunem un apartament fermecator, amenajat in cele mai mici detalii, situat in cea mai verde zona a Capitalei, cu vedere catre Lacul Floreasca.
Apartamentul este foarte bine compartimentat, avand camere mari, luminoase, o sala de baie foarte moderna si bucataria extrem de bine organizata.
Daca iti doresti o investitie, atunci acest apartament iti poate aduce o chirie actuala ( aceeasi de 5 ani, ca urmare a unui contract cu o firma mare, pentru angajatii acesteia) de 500 Euro, pana in noiembrie, apoi de 600 Euro pe luna, timp de inca un an. Azi cumperi, incepand de maine iti intra chiria in cont. Fara complicatii, fara amenajari, fara comisioane, avand cei mai seriosi chiriasi!
Hai sa il vezi!
We offer a charming apartment, furnished in the smallest details, located in the greenest area of the Capital, overlooking Lake Floreasca. The apartment is well compartmentalized, with spacious, bright rooms, a very modern bathroom, and an extremely well-organized kitchen. If you are looking for an investment, this apartment can bring you a current rent (the same for 5 years, as a result of a contract with a large company, for its employees) of 500 Euros until November, and then 600 Euros per month for another year. Buy today, and your rent starts tomorrow. No complications, no renovations, no commissions, with the most serious tenants! Come see it!